It's Personal to Me

It's critical to know who surrounds you, particularly when you are contemplating conducting business.

Long Term Care is a deeply-personal topic that everyone should learn about, hopefully before it is too late. One of the reasons I feel so strongly about this matter is that we, as a family, did not take advantage of health qualifying for long term care insurance when we had the chance. My mother and father reviewed this issue over 30 years ago, and like many, did nothing at the time. Unfortunately, after considering the issue-- my mother became uninsurable in the interim and also—like many—realized that although money pays for it, health buys it.

As a result of this personal experience, I have focused on Long Term Care Education and Planning since 2001. When I began to concentrate on Long Term Care, I first focused on helping others get to an understanding of what Long Term Care is and once this is accomplished---after learning more about them and their circumstances--- could secondarily articulate what action or inaction could mean for themselves and their families while at the same time understanding that there really is no right or wrong answer on this issue. There is, however, your answer.

If my experience could help you and your family, I’d be more than happy to share it.